I’ve outrun Imperial Starships, not the local bulk cruisers mind you, I’m talking about the big Corellian ships now” (Kutz and Lucas, 1977). Han Solo explains that the Millennium Falcon is “the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs. In the scene, Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi are meeting Han Solo and Chewbacca for the first time in order to hire them to transport them to Alderaan, which furthers the plot development. The following clip from Star Wars: Episode IV is an example of effective dialogue. Dialogue which can accomplish two or all three of these functions at the same time is the most effective form of dialogue. In a film, dialogue performs three basic functions: to further plot development, develop characterizations, and to establish information that the audience needs to know to be able to understand the action, such as, names, backstory, locations, motivations (Goodykoontz and Jacobs, 2014). Sounds and elements that do not occur in the world of the film, such as the music score, voice-over narration by someone who is not a character in the story, and superimposed titles, are called non-diegetic (Goodykoontz and Jacobs, 2014).ĭialogue in a film occurs when characters talk to each other. Diegetic sounds are sounds that occur in the world of the film: characters dialogue and narration by a character in the story, sound effects which accompany sources seen on the screen, and any music that is heard or performed by characters in the story (Goodykoontz and Jacobs, 2014).
Sounds in a movie can be either diegetic or non-diegetic. A film’s dialogue, sound effects, and music work together to create the mood and theme while telling the story.
Since the first “talkies” were introduced in the mid-1920s sound has been an integral part of films.